Friday, June 21, 2013

Making Money Building IT Solutions: Facts, Secrets and Thoughts.

For business people in the IT industry, or those who want to venture into it, below is a rundown on what you need to know and how to achieve success. The list comes from roomthinker, as usual saying it like it is. Thank you sir.


  • There is PLENTY of money building IT solutions for the enterprise my friends. I promise. Sitting right there for the taking.
  • Don't rush to join the bandwagon of mVitus, Social Impact, ICT4D etc. It is crowded and cluttered, and fast becoming a farce.
  • It is very difficult to monetize mass market solutions, especially a mass market that is used to free stuff.
  • Large numbers in that space are of questionable value. 1 billion people paying 0$ is still a big fast 0$. Ask Instagram et al
  • Why don't you find 4 entities to pay you 125,000 apiece to solve a burning problem that they have?
  • Don't be like sheep, trying to ramrod anything and everything into mobile. There are plenty of opportunities outside mobile.
  • Everyone wants to stand on the shoulders of the giants to see far. Nobody wants to be the giant.
  • You just keep screwing around with your mVitus as SAP, Oracle, IBM, Accenture etc set up shop here and EAT YOUR LUNCH
  • Don't watch The Social Network and assume you can write a few lines of code, drink beer and make zillions overnight.
  • True, there are always outliers but most of the big fish today were built on grit, blood, sweat and tears.
  • I'm not kidding about the grit, blood, sweat and tears.
  1. NOBODY CARES about your technology. NOBODY. People want solutions to problems, not technology.
  2. YOUR IDEA IS NOT UNIQUE. We are 7 billion on this planet. And you think your idea is unique? Ha ha. Hear me laugh. EXECUTE.
  3. EXISTING COMPETITION IS NEITHER HERE NOR THERE. You can always uproot them if your solutions is BETTER. Trust me on this.
  4. YOU *WILL* have to make sacrifices. Time, money, drinking, croissants, etc. You have to.
  5. For the sake of techies here I must repeat. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT about your Java, vPHP, NoSQL, .NET, Delphi, etc. SHIP PRODUCT.
  6. Writing code is a TINY fraction of the things you need to do. This is where we go wrong. Software is not the end. Its the start.
  7. You must package it. Market it. Sell it. Train. Support. Improve. Refine. Grow.
  8. If you have code sitting on your laptop that is not being used by customers - CONGRATULATIONS! You have just been typing.
  9. Get an office. If you want to be taken seriously, then take yourself seriously.
  10. If you're still at a hub after 2 years - consider you might have a problem. A launchpad is a launchpad. Take off at some point
  11. Formalize your business. Register with the KRA. Register your business. Get licenses. Website. Busines cards. Proper email.
    1. Foolish you bleating about not getting opportunities and you don't have a business. Companies deal with companies. Period.
  12. There is no perfect time to get started. Ever. Don't wait for Mercury to align with Mars. Start today. TODAY!
  13. Capital is not just money. Capital also includes 1) What's IN YOUR HEAD (if anything) & YOUR NETWORKS.
  14. Laughing at you waiting for government to help you with grants and Konzas and legislation for preferential treatment.
  15. Find an edge. Any monkey can do what you're doing. What's your edge? In you're in Kenya I can give you 1 right now. CUSTOMER CARE>
    1. Good customer care will put you head and shoulders above your competition. Trust me on this
    2. Is this you? Sign a client - Sign annual maintenance - Disappear for 12 months - Send invoice. If it is, STOP THAT SHIT!
    3. How can it be that I am writing to you, asking you how and where to give you my money, you leave me hanging for weeks.
  • And finally, my friends, we just don't think big enough. Chinese want to go to the moon and you - you're happy going to NaxVegas.
  • For some, it is enough to be called "Africa's Bill Gates". Let those who think bigger expect Bill Gates to be called America's @Agostal
  • Remember kids, a country built on average aspirations will invariably be average!